Sunday, January 10, 2016

Our New Classroom!

Finally, the move has happened and our classroom is setup.  We will start school tomorrow after having a much longer than anticipated hiatus.  I'm sure there will be tweaks and changes along the way, but for now I am just happy that it is functional for those kiddos to get back to work.  Did I mention that the lack of routine is making them bonkers?!  (Therefore me too!)  Bubs actually told my husband the other day that he hopes we never move because it would make him so sad.  My husband asked why and Bubs said that he just loved school so much and wouldn't want to have to move it again.  I'm pretty sure that motivated me last week to kick my booty into high gear and get that classroom up and running. 

This is part of the primary materials.
The original layout of the basement changed drastically when our huge tv and couches did not fit snugly in my ideal location.  Rather, they are taking up much of the open floor space I dreamed over while we were packing.  However, I think I managed to make it all work and I am pleasantly surprised with how much natural light comes in through the windows.  We have two large windows along with large windows on the two doors that lead outside.  There are a few areas that we need to have lights on to brighten it up a bit, but overall, we can use natural light and not feel like we are in a bunker. 

T-man's area

More T-man materials

This is the view when you come around the corner from the stairs and walk into the basement.

Primary and Elementary materials.  Kui will be using our old dining room table so that she has more space to spread out. 

This is the most awkward spot in the basement (my dream for the tv and couch).  I think it will work out ok and I think the bead cabinet will survive better far away from T-man. 

I managed to have T-man with an area all his own which is very exciting.  He got the short end of the stick in our old house and I'm sure he will thrive in his new space.  Plus this is where my official AMI training is.  The other environments are integrated a little, but I tried to keep Primary materials separate at least for Nito's sake since he is pretty new to the scene.  I had to get a little creative with space, but overall I feel like it will be functional.  The couch area will turn into a good little corner to read or just snuggle with the kiddos during school. 

Please feel free to leave me comments or feedback on how I could improve certain areas.  It is still all a work in progress.  This is only the 2nd year of trying this Montessori thing at home!  Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Fab! The classroom looks great. I know they will get back into their routine pretty fast and love it. Did all the materials survive the move?
