Sunday, January 17, 2016


Well, we have established a new rule for the school week now that we have moved.  Our atrium day will now be Friday mornings since the environment is upstairs.  We will see how it goes.   Fridays are always a little bit slower anyway.  Their teacher has run our of steam by the end of the week.  This is why it is also our art day in the afternoon. 

The atrium is still a work in progress.  There are only a few things out on the shelf, but it is enough to get into the routine of doing it every week.  Plus the children use the materials, especially from the altar, every morning for morning prayer before we start school. Now that we are back at it again, it will inspire me to make more materials for the environment.  I am currently working on the Priest's Vestments material.  I will keep you posted on that. 

Kui and Bubs are working with the Good Shepherd.  Thankfully she can read to him while I was working with Nito.  Plus, it helps them to work together and she loves to work with materials that aren't necessarily age appropriate for her!  Oh, btw....for those of you who have followed me from the beginning, the Good Shepherd sheep fold is holding up fairly well.  We have lost a few rocks along the way, but for the most part I try to keep it concealed from T-Man.  It is not ideal to keep the two sheepfolds stacked on top of each other, but you have to adjust the environment for your needs.  You can read the original post here.

Nito is working with the chasubles.  I have yet to finish sewing them along with the gold trim around the collar, but they are still usable for now.
I was presenting "Preparation of the Cruets" with Bubs during this shot.  (It involved wine so I had to watch him carefully!)  Kui did well working with Nito and he knew all of the names of the articles of the Mass. 
Did anyone notice the crooked cross on the tabernacle?  It just goes to show you how lame I am when I am making these materials.  I was prepping stuff quickly the night before.  T-Man had ripped the cross off when we were at the other house.  I found it in one of the boxes so I glued it on and let it dry for a little bit laying flat. perfectionist self (or should I say OCD self) didn't want to leave it on the kitchen counter to dry so I put it in its place on the shelf with the ciborium in it.  Clearly it wasn't completely dry because when I walked downstairs in the morning I see a crooked cross.  Do you think that I can just pop it off and re-glue that bad boy?  I don't think so.  It's on there like I used super glue!  Kui said that I will just have to wait for T-Man to rip it off again and then glue it properly.  (At least they can deal with their mama's craziness!)

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