Thursday, February 6, 2020

Grammar Box - Adjective Command Cards

Nito and Bubs dabbled with some command cards from various grammar boxes today.  I wanted them to spend some time together working nicely while I had to step away and these usually work well since they have to stay active and move around the classroom.  

In this picture, they had to use pieces from the pink tower.  The adjectives were large, largest, small, and smallest.  Sorry, the pictures aren't the greatest.  Poor lighting!

Ok, so I was clearly not available to help them with some of these, but they improvised nicely.  They were supposed to use the circles in the plane insets.  However, they chose the globe, the clock stand, and a clay shaping piece.  The adjectives were large, small, and intermediate.

Oh my!  Here is another example of how they didn't read the card correctly, but they still made it work.  They were supposed to only use one color of tablets, but instead they chose white, yellow, brown, and black.  The adjectives were light, lightest, dark, and darkest.  

Ok, so these guys are hilarious!  At least they keep me smiling in the sometimes very stressful school day.  I would have chosen the smooth and rough boards for this work, but they chose a music staff board, a metal inset, a rough basket, and a rock.  The adjectives were smooth, smoother, rough, and roughest. 

Here we have light, lightest, heavy, and heaviest.  They actually whipped out the scale for this and somehow managed to put the candle and the thesaurus on it to see which one was heavier!  This makes me think that perhaps I should go and check on the status of our scale.  It could be broken at this point!

The brown stairs were used for this one.  The adjectives were thick, thickest, thin, and thinnest.

Overall, I have to say that they did a decent job.  They are moving on to some of the other command cards in the next week or so.  I'll be sure to post their interpretations of the cards.

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